enjoy the water
I myself is a beach lover. If I do have long vacation, it wouldn’t be complete if I will not spend a day in the beach. I don’t know, whenever I am in the beach I feel so relaxed and peaceful. That is why I will not cease looking for beautiful sights and beaches. Here are some of my lists of the nice beaches. Check this out.
• This 412 acre marine camping park is the Grayland Beach State Park. The beach stretches for miles in both directions. There are so many activities you can do here, like you can go fishing, clamming, crabbing, beach combing and even bird watching. The park also attracts kite-flyers, kite observers and those who enjoy the pleasant day in the beach. For those who love nature, this is a perfect place. Appreciate nature while wandering the quarter-mile interpretative trail to the beach.
Channel Islands National Park Beach Vacations
Diving and snorkeling are the major activities that you can do here. Variety of fish and plants
thrive when warm southern currents meet cooler northern currents. The four islands namely: Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, and San Miguel—all are great diving sites. They said that there’s nothing like a visit to the Channel Islands. Whether you approach them by sea or air you can never stop feeling astounded despite the neighboring Southern California’s teeming masses. What keeps me amazed is that the islands are also the most important seabird-nesting area in Southern California and home to one of the biggest seal- and sea-lion-breeding colonies in the United States. And up to now, it is well preserved. • For people who love active
adventure in the beach, Kauia beach is one of the best. The combination of moody rainforests, green valleys, gigantic cliffs, and the dancing palm trees makes you want to stay for long, longer than you ever thought. You even don’t want to miss to see every golden sunset, breath the tropical scented air, listen to sunrise bird songs and adore the sparkling waterfalls . There is a law on Kauai states that no building may exceed the height of a coconut tree -- between three and four stories. As a result, the island itself, not its grandiosel beach hotels, is the attention-grabber. There are few nightlife here, no extravagant shopping malls. But the lush jungle, the endless succession of spectacular beaches, the majestic Waimea Canyon, and the beauty of the Na Pali Coast are incpmparable. Watersports galore are everywhere; miles of trails through rainforests and along ocean cliffs for hikers, bikers, and horseback riders; and golf options that range from championship links to funky local courses where chickens roam the greens and balls wind up embedded in coconut trees. But Kauai is also great for those who need to relax and heal jangled nerves. Here you'll find miles of sandy beaches, perfect for just sitting and meditating. There are also quiet spots in the forest where you can listen to the rain dance on the leaves, as well as an endless supply of laid-back, lazy days that end with the sun sinking into the Pacific amid a bl
aze of glorious tropical color.
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